Everything about the edix.space

Why Blogging

Think and clarify important things

Practice English communication

Share interesting stuff

Organize my brain

Love to share

Love the format of editing on Squarespace

Want to learn stuff and organize and share

Analyze my past and inform my future

Want to show my depth of thought and problem-solving skills, potentially to employers, my future child, my wife, people who want to know me, etc.

The content

Share the progress of my life

Share major topics of my life

Share enjoyable moments of my life

Share my astrology and my research content

Share my daily random thoughts

Share my opinions regarding the world

Sell my astrology service

The format

Language could be Chinese or English, depending on my mood.

You can use Google Translate to understand the content, but you might need to be bilingual to fully understand my mood.


Game Review


My 8 challenges and reflections